you ever had an encounter with God? If you are a born-again follower of Jesus
Christ you have. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them to Him. But
there are other types of encounters with the Lord, too. Encounters that call us
for service, direct us in God’s ways, cleanse us from sins, or fortify our
confidence in Jesus.
lived with his family of idol worshipers in Ur when he had his first encounter
with the Lord God. The Lord spoke to him
and called him away from his home, the idols and his family to follow the true
God to a place He would show him. We are not told how God spoke to Abraham,
simply that He did. It was a tremendous step of faith for Abraham to believe
God and follow Him. But he did it by faith and God counted it to him as
righteousness. Abraham’s faith in God was the beginning of the generations that
would produce the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. And now those who believe
in Jesus receive the power to become the sons of God. It is by faith. Our
belief leads us to follow Jesus and leave this world behind, living in the
kingdom of God even though we are still physically residents of this earth.
Through Abraham all nations are blessed with the opportunity to be born again.
encountered God in a spectacular way when King Uzziah died. Uzziah had been a
godly influence for most of his reign and was king of Israel for about 50
years. Isaiah entered the temple after Uzziah’s death and he saw the Lord on
His throne. It was a magnificent sight. The earthly king had succumbed to
death, but the King of kings was and is still alive and in control. Isaiah witnessed
the glory of God, His might, power, wisdom and splendor. The sight he tried to
describe was beyond human description. He recognized that God is pure holiness
and is in control of every throne and every nation. Isaiah fell down before the
Lord and cried out to Him because he fully sensed his own sin. Any time we
encounter God, we see ourselves as we really are, not as we perceive ourselves
to be. We may think we are pretty good, but we see how unholy we are in the
light of His holiness. Acknowledging our sin is the first step to cleansing. Isaiah’s
sins were cleansed and then God asked this question. “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” [speaking
of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit]. Then I said, “Here am I!
Send me.” Isaiah’s encounter with the Lord brought cleansing from sin, and a
new level of his ministry as God’s prophet. The earthly king was dead and
powerless. God was not! If we want a ministry that brings
powerful results, it has nothing to do with our charisma, wisdom or our earthly
connections. It has everything to do with the glory of God being seen in us. The
more we come into God’s presence, the more of His holiness will shine through
us, and the more of the earthly things will fall away. In His presence we learn His desires and
purposes, then we stop pushing our way through life with our own agenda and
pursuits. Instead, we say, “Here I am, send me, use me, I will obey”. Then we
are on the right track. We are working with God.
Joshua had an encounter with God as he stood
near Jericho. It would be their first city to conquer in taking the land God
had promised them. God had already told Joshua to be strong and of good courage,
that He would never forsake him. He would be with him. And He was. God had
parted the Jordan River just as He did the Red Sea, and all the people went
over the Jordan safely just like when Moses was leading them. Why? Because God
hadn’t changed. Now it was time for their first battle – Jericho! “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by
Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood
opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and
said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” So He said,
“No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” And
Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him,
“What does my Lord say to His servant?” Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your
sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.”
And Joshua did so.” If the Lord had said nothing else, Joshua’s strength and
courage for battle would have still been fortified, because he had the Lord’s
assurance that He was with him. But after that, Joshua received God’s battle
plan to conquer Jericho. And the Lord was with them. When we find ourselves in
the presence of God, we are voluntarily humbled. His presence brings reverential
fear and awe to us. In humbling ourselves before the Lord, trusting Him and
obeying what He says rather than taking matters into our own hands, we can have
victory even in the middle of our trials because He will never leave us or
forsake us. We need to always remember as long as we are following God’s
orders, we have with us the Commander of the Lord’s army.
Gideon lived during a trying time for Israel. The children of
Israel repeatedly disobeyed the Lord’s
commandments, so the Lord allowed
Midian to prevail over them for seven years. “Because of the Midianites, the
children of Israel made for themselves the dens, the caves, and the
strongholds which are in the mountains.” When the Israelites had a
crop in the field, the Midianites and the Amalekites would come and destroy all
their produce and take all their livestock. They left them with little or no
sustenance. “So Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites, and
the children of Israel cried out to the Lord.” God brings judgment on those He loves who know to do right and yet
choose evil instead. It really should be no surprise, because He lays out the
commandments clearly and also the results of obeying or disobeying. His
judgment is not always complete destruction, but is often a time of punishment
to turn hearts back to the Lord Who loves them. Israel was in dire straits
because of their disobedience to God. After seven years, they finally cried out
to Him. In answer to their cries, God sent a deliverer. But this deliverer was
not who we would have chosen. When Gideon encountered the Lord, he was hiding
in a winepress threshing the little bit of wheat he had gleaned from somewhere.
He knew if the Midianites saw him the wheat would be lost. Gideon was
disillusioned with the talk of God working miracles for His people in the past.
He hadn’t seen a miracle, and they had needed one for seven years. His
conclusion from this faulty reasoning was that God had forsaken them. While he
continued to thresh the wheat, “the Angel of the Lord appeared
to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with
you, you mighty man of valor!” Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if
the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?
And where are all His miracles which our fathers
told us about, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring
us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has forsaken
us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.” Clearly Gideon missed
that it was the Lord Himself who had just said, “The Lord is with you.” Gideon’s
faith seemed to be totally depleted. But here God was, right there beside him, drawing
him into the middle of the miracle he didn’t believe in. “Then the Lord turned
to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel
from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?” So Gideon said to
Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the
weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”
Gideon replies about how weak he is. After all, he was a man hiding from the
enemy just to keep from starving. But God said, “Go in this might of yours.”
What might? The might of the Lord God. “And the Lord said
to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the
Midianites as one man.” After patiently giving Gideon several signs and whittling
down the army from 32,000 to 300 men, God used Gideon to free Israel from the
Midianites. The reason God used so few men was because He didn’t want them
claiming they were the victors when it was God Who did it. If God calls you to
a task, know that He will enable you and give you His might to accomplish it.
You may feel weak and the least likely candidate for His mission, but “God has chosen
the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God
has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty.” Believe Him and go in His might to do great things.
When I was about eleven or twelve, I
had an encounter with God on several occasions while sitting in church
services. A collage of faces that were not distinguishable would appear toward
the front of the church and come closer and closer until they passed through me.
Then a collage of buildings in a city would do the same. Neither was
distinguishable, but looked like film negatives that you can see but not really
see. I told my mother about the visions, but she didn’t have an answer. I
thought I must be called to be a missionary. I listened intently to every
missionary who came to visit the church, but never felt the call to join them.
Step by step I was drawn into other ministries. Singing at church, recording an
album, then being asked to do a radio program on the local station. During this
time I felt called to begin writing articles and sending them out to those I
met during ministry in churches and other venues. I talked to my mother and she
asked, “how can you do that? You don’t have the resources.” I began by using
the office copier where I worked (with permission) and after just a few of the
newsletters had been sent, a machine was donated by a complete stranger, and it
was a machine that I was already familiar with. God provided. My parents were
with me at a coffee house in another state when Mom heard a man try to give the
machine to the coffee house owner, but he didn’t need it. So Mom told him I
needed it. We picked it up at his house that same evening with the supplies. I
began writing songs, made several albums and went on to work on-air and in
production work for a radio network. The Lord spoke to me about producing radio
spots that eventually went around the world on several radio stations,
shortwave and internet. Later, I was at the flagship station of the network, taking
a break with one of the engineers. He knew about the visions and asked if I had
discovered what they meant. I told him I had not. He explained that in almost
everything about the ministry, it was to people whose faces I did not see, yet
they received the ministry. The albums, the newsletter, the radio, the
internet, and later television, writing books and a newspaper column. I had
been walking out the vision in my life step by step without realizing it was
being fulfilled. Although I had not known what the visions were about, I knew
God was speaking to me and I was called out for His purposes. So, I had simply followed.
Then the vision was made clear. God doesn’t always give us answers right away.
Sometimes we just need to know He has called us so we will be available and
listening when He gives us directions.
What about you? Have you had an
encounter with God? Has He spoken to you through His Word, by His Spirit or
through someone else? How have you responded to your encounter with the Lord
God? Do you hear Him calling you now? If so answer His call.
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